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PC Oyunları kategorisinde açılmış olan Hollow-PLAZA konusu , Hollow-PLAZA I never cared ...

  1. #1
    DP BIG BOSS derinport - ait Kullanici Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi

    GAME Hollow-PLAZA


    I never cared about this ship…I just…wanted to find myself. I had to. Something deep in my brain – deep in my very soul – clawed at me, struggling to make sense of everything. But the sad truth is that it never could. I never could. I still can’t remember who I am.”
    Hello, prospective crew member! Welcome to Shakhter-One, the first space mining ship to gather resources from the atmosphere of the planet Jupiter! Shakhter-One provides mass quantities of supplies to a resource-starved Earth. Thanks to Shakhter-One, we no longer have to depend on coal or oil! Still not sold on making Shakhter-One your new home?


    • Explore a derelict mining facility in orbit around Jupiter
    • Fight through the nightmare and solve the mystery of the Shakhter-One
    • Face your fears head-on or use the environment as your ally
    • Solve puzzles and use your brain to proceed
    • Master fast-paced, frenetic gun combat to survive
    • Reveal the backstory of the protagonist and set him free from his demons… or succumb to them.

    Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
    Developer: MMEU
    Publisher: Forever Entertainment S. A.

    Release Name: Hollow-PLAZA
    Size: 2.67 GB
    Links: STEAM |


  2. #2
    Yeni Üye
    Üyelik tarihi
    Bu oyunu verirken ilgilenin biraz bu nedir yahu.

    Oyuna giriş yapılamıyor her seferinde directx yükle diyor. Yüklüyorum yok girmemekte ısrarlı.

Benzer Konular

  1. Cevap: 0
    Son Mesaj : 03.Mays.2020, 22:06
  2. Hollow Knight Godmaster-CODEX
    Konu Sahibi derinport Forum PC Oyunları
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    Son Mesaj : 25.Austos.2018, 09:03
  3. Hollow Knight-CODEX
    Konu Sahibi derinport Forum PC Oyunları
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    Son Mesaj : 25.ubat.2017, 13:42
  4. Cevap: 0
    Son Mesaj : 28.Eyll.2016, 18:32
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